Thursday, October 14, 2010

day 14: creative space

I was sort of looking forward to the return to the school term, looking forward to slowing down a little and not having quite so many people in the house needing me all the time. Andy was supposed to fly north last week for a spearfishing charter but it was canceled in the holidays, so he was not a happy man these holidays. Because of this trip we decided not to go away any where too major. So I was looking forward to a little space around here again, some time to contend with just me and the little man.. that small window every Thursday where Toby sleeps in the afternoon and the place is quiet and I can do what I like.

Clearly I was delusional. The return to school has been nothing like that!!! It has been one complete crazy week and a half of pure bedlam. I feel like today is the first time I've even had a chance to draw breath. (Of course, Toby is not asleep).

So today, housework sort of done, I'm sitting down to have a bit of quiet-ish (well as quiet as it gets with an-almost two year old running around) time. Enjoy a cup of love chai and work on a little pattern.

My tea cup is a new one that Andy bought me this week. It's the perfect size but not quite what I'd choose. I'm always amazed at how different Andy thinks my taste in things like cups is to what it actually is. If you're reading this Andy, red is nice, plain is nice, spots even... Oh well, I'll love it regardless.

This all looks quite peaceful and relaxing but take a look what happened as I stepped back to take this photo.

hmm, sometimes I think the iPad is just a little too user-friendly!

for more creative space pop over to kootoyoo

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. It certainly looked peaceful....

    I agree that the ipad is super user friendly - both my little ones are all over it.

  2. My Mr2yo would LOVE an iPad.
    That wool colour is lovely :)


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