The buttons here aren't sewn on yet..
Despite these buttons being Purchased last Monday. Why? Because I can't decide which colour I really do like best.
The orange.....

or the yellow

I'm a yellow kind of girl but I'm heavily leaning towards the orange. At least I was. What do you think?

This little baby jacket is the uber famous Baby Surprise Jacket by Eliabeth Zimmermann. I knit it because.
Basically, the BSJ is a must-knit pattern a bit like a must watch movie, like ummm, er... Star Wars? I dunno, I can't think of a must-watch movie but you get my drift. ooh, like for any lover of Australian literature Cloudstreet is a must read novel.
Elizabeth Zimmermann is this very famous knitty lady, who wrote a stack of newsletters and a number of books that really explode knitting construction in a revolutionary way. She is much loved by those like me in the seamless knitting fraternity.

One of EZ's most fabulous books is The Knitter's Almanac which is like a calendar of knitting projects, with one for each month of the year. There has been a bit of chatter at my Monday night group about knitting through the Almanac this year, but the general consensus was that we weren't that keen on January's project, an aran jumper. Secretly, I think we all just want to knit the February Baby Sweater because I'm guessing we're not going to be that keen on March's 'Difficult Sweater'.
I think I'll just create my own calendar of EZ knits for the year and aim to knock one off per month, so January's is the BSJ.
Not sure were this little jacket is headed, I though tit might be ok for Otis but I suspect it's going to be too small.
Know any babies who are kinda small and keen on technicolour coats?
P.S. I forgot to mention that the BSJ pattern is not in the Almanac. It can be found in Knitting Workshop or The Opinionated Knitter. You can also get a more thorough version from Schoolhouse Press.
The yarn is Noro Koreyun sock.
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