Saturday, January 17, 2009

guess where we've been

well, if you've read Megsie's blog you'll already know.  

we've returned from a lovely visit to the pint household. I found this little reminder on my camera, a photo taken by Tully.  Pretty good for a four year old, in focus and well composed.  
the girls had their usual wonderful time playing together and creating their jolly havoc; so much fun that my photos of them were all blurry. Sometimes they even let the big smiley boy join in.  It was very cute to see them fighting over whose prince Asher was.  
Tully was absolutely gorgeous with Toby, very gentle and extremely loving. She was so very eager to look after him and please him; she's going to make an awesome big sister when her new little sibling arrives.
We ended up staying an extra day due to a rare extremely hot day in the Mount. But that wasn't quite enough for Lily, she had quite a few tears on leaving, poor little mite. She really loves her time with Tully.
Lily has been an absolute gem since being home, but has been missing Tully so much.  This morning I while still in bed I had to pretend to be driving to Tully's house to visit them.  Lily knows we'll be going back for a visit after the baby arrives, so the premise of her game was that the baby had arrived.  

As part of her game some of her toys had to take on the role of the pint family. Megsie was played by Jemima, a baby doll was the new baby, another soft bodied dolly became Tully and a newborn Pumpkin Patch baby stood in for Asher. For some reason, Lachie was a pink fluffy bunny. Not sure on that choice.


  1. How lovely that everyone gets along so well. :)

  2. awww how sweet that they had such a good time!

  3. great shots tik:D we so love catching up with you guys and can't wait for the bub to arrive sowe can all play again

    a big happy birthday for yesterday once again xxx


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