Saturday, January 20, 2007

Oh that's right, I'm a sewing WAHM....

I think I'm getting a little too preoccupied with knitting lately. I find myself knitting when I should be sewing or doing other things; like housework. I even have a knitting project by the bedside, now that's a little nannaish I think LOL
So should I knit like crazy for a few days so I get knitting burnout and go back to my sewing? Or just give in to the urges and allow myself to do whatever craft takes my fancy at the time?

I did manage to sew buttons on two dresses today and cut out pockets and patches for 3 pairs of shorts and overlock them. Not too bad I guess. Particularly when Lily only went to sleep at just before midnight *shock*

Anyway, I'm instilling a new knitting rule; no starting any new projects until all the others are finished. I have a bad habit of getting halfway through a project and then get new wool and get so overexcited that I have to start the new project, and so on and so on, and before you know it there are half a dozen ufos cluttering up my knitting basket.

So my ufos that must be finished are:~
  1. Yellow and white capris
  2. kool aid dyed vest
  3. leg cuffs on MWS ~ waiting on arrival of addis
  4. leg cuffs on CP soaker ~ ditto
  5. embellishment on hearts soaker and cuffs
  6. embellishments on gelati shorties ~ eta. finished :D
  7. rainbow dress ~ nearly finished the skirt

and then, and only then, am I allowed to start something new, which will be:~

  1. Wicked top for me
  2. MWS/EWS ~ have a couple of these to do for some arriving bubs
  3. scarf out of my pear tree merino
  4. cotton washclothes
  5. ooh, I really want to do the Jo Sharp sarong (and use it for a throw) in the latest mag but it's such a BIG job
  6. some longies for Lily
  7. firty skirt

I think that will do it LOL So there you go it; lots to finish and plenty more to look forward to :D


  1. that's the lure of the dark side you're feeling ;)

  2. lol just dont think by knitting for a few days that you'll get it out of your system, it will only get you further hooked! LOL


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