Saturday, February 12, 2011

and so..

I'm not even sure really where to begin. I feel like I've been Missing In Action (and I'm totally not sure why that deserves the capitals that correspond with the abbreviation MIA) lately.

This week has been a big week here in our household. We've shuffled our eldest out the door and bid her on her way to primary school.

I swear, she seems to have grown up soo very much in the last weeks and definitely looks at least a year older than she did a week ago.

i love our little primary school so much. From the perfect developmental curriculum to the caring pastoral care approach to the small town country feel of the school; it really is pretty special really. And Lily is just THRIVING!! She so so loves it, and every day she is so full of such gorgeous stories; be it about her teacher Mr Chatterbox (no, not his real name would you believe) dancing to the music bell. Or what she's drawn in class. Or even about her new bestest school friend, whose name she is finding incredibly hard to remember; "what's her name again, Mum?" She asks me everyday after school. It does make me wonder what she calls her little friend at school and how she gets her attention when she doesn't remember her name, but watching them, they've got that little connection/bond thing happening. Her name is Angelica, in case you're wondering.

I do so love that she has a BEST friend, Tully; a best kindy friend, Sienna; and now a best school friend!

I've done the school walk a plenty this week; often with the pram completely overloaded with both kids perched on it. That means a good workout, so really I'm not complaining. I can feel all that Christmas and Summer extra hip padding slipping away already...bliss!! A couple of days this week I've done the walk/ride to and fro three times!! It's not that far really; 15-20 minutes pram walk so very doable and no way in hell I could allow myself to drive that short a distance. I am, however, looking forward to the full days next week instead of the 1:30 pickups this week.

I am missing my special big girl and I'm sure I'll feel even more lost this coming week. But you know, as long as she loves it and comes home so full of stories and chatter, I'm so happy for her.

and me and the little crazy boy get to spend some serious train track building time together. Over the Summer his language acquisition has exploded; he's now got these full sentences going on. so we have the most wonderful conversations and time together, super super special. Although I must admit he is very very stubborn and knows his own mind a bit too well! Possibly gets that from his father, do you think?

Ther has been some crafting going on,but just not much photographing of it so really not a lot to update here. Maybe on the weekend I'll get some time to get myself up to date. I so hope so!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Such a big milestone in your daughter's life-----and yours too! She is beautiful and I love the adorable little school uniforms I always see Australian children in. That hat just makes me smile. I wish kids in our schools had to wear uniforms. I think it is such a great idea on so many levels. Enjoy your time with little man--before you know it, he will be heading off to school too.

  2. Awwww she looks so pretty in her uniform and happy to be going to school too. It always saddens me a little when I know my kids are growing up and reaching those milestones. Such is life though. I'm trying to enjoy them at home with me while I can.


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