Monday, March 01, 2010

the exciting stuff

so where did that weekend just go?

So it's March already, which according to Lily is her birthday month. she's got it sussed, not just a day, or even a week, nooo; she has a whole month of specialness.  Immediately this morning there was the definite feel of Autumn in the air, the wind was cooler and definitely southerly (my husband laughed at this observation of mine as here in Autumn it is actually the calmest wind-wise of the whole year), the sun had less bite and it was quite cool. It has been a really wonderful summer, perfect in fact with very little of that horrific heat of the last one.  I am so very much looking forward to the cooling months and the gorgeousness of Autumn, I love the changing months best of all.

So today, check out this little munchkin all cheeky as always.  He's wearing a singlet knit from the same pattern as the vest yesterday. This time though, along with a slight modification, it's knit in 4ply wool rather than 10 ply cotton. This little singlet is going to be perfect for the cooler months with longies at night to help prevent wicking on his tshirt. Super perfect under woollen overalls and a fitted.  

I knit it from some old stash yarn, Heirloom 4 ply baby yarn and it took a smidge under 50grams of this lovely lavender colour.    

So what's the exciting news, you say?

well, I've been busily working on the wholesale arm of my patterns and trying to get them into some real life yarn stores in a printed format. I shipped off the first batch last week which was really really exciting.

Even more exciting is that the yarn store is hosting a Knit A Long (KAL) for the month of March with both the Rainbow Dress and milo. So who is the yarn store?
None other than

So if you're in Brisbane you can pop in there and buy one of my patterns in the printed form.  You can also purchase them from the website in pdf and printed form.  Subscribe to the newsletter too, and pop into the Tangled Yarns forum on Rav and join us for the KAL. I'm knitting along too to offer advice and support. I'll be knitting the original milo boy a new milo, as he currently doesn't have one. There are over 600 milo projects on Rav and the little boy that it's named after doesn't have one. Embarrassment!!!  

I've also added a couple of new cottage license holders to the page, so go and check them out and support them!  

The two latest ones are :


competition details tomorrow!!! sorry about the teasing and delaying with this comp, it's just not quite ready!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely as always - I will be getting this pattern off of you when it is ready. My mr is a big wetter of a night time and that is my biggest problem (the wicking onto his shirts:(

    He is oh so cute Tikki - quick give him a jab so he stays that size forever:)


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