I suspect she took it because I've been flat out with pattern development of late (between you and me, just a little bit too nutso flat out) and she took it to punish me for my lack of dusting around the house. She's not one of those nice fairies, this chickadee. She tends to hold grudges if certain household chores aren't done. I thought she was supposed to do them if I don't but my cleaning fairy is a bit of a stubborn little beast and thinks it's her job to actually punish me.
I still haven't dusted the architraves, but I am going to attempt to regain my blog mojo. And what better way than a pattern pimpfest, because seriously with all this pattern development going on, there are quite a few patterns that have yet to be blogged..... it's a little embarrassing really. So where to start?
How about since we're doing a bit of blog Spring-cleaning, we start with a pattern for Spring.
My most recent pattern release is Jane.
I love Jane. I love her simplicity. I love her clean lines. I love how easy and quick she is to knit. I love that she took under 200g to knit a size 6. aha.
The construction of Jane is quite unusual. I call her a raglan hybrid. I can honestly say I've never seen a pattern constructed in the same manner as this. That of course, doesn't mean there isn't one out there, though. It's big wide pattern world out there!
I knew when I was knitting the prototype exactly the sort of look I wanted but it took me a few tries to capture it exactly. I knit and ripped, and knit and ripped, each time trying something slightly different until I got it just right.
For me as a designer, *cough cough* (yes, I do find that funny!) the tinkering is an important process. I like to play around with different elements of construction, I always have. I think I always will, because it can make the simplest look totally new and different.
And I think in the case of Jane, that's what works so well for this pattern. It's a simple style, but the construction process makes it an interesting knit. The combination of simplicity and newness, always works in my opinion.
So the all important specs on Jane:
She's sized from 12months to 12 years, so a 19 to 30" chest range. I did consider grading this in smaller sizes, but I'm not so sure about open cardies on wee little ones. A bit too easy for them to shrug off?
It's written for 8ply/dk weight yarn that knits up at a tension of 22 stitches and 28 rows in stocking stitch on 4mm needles. The best yarn for Jane is one that has a lovely drape, a lighter DK weight or even a superwash works well.
The yarn I knit Lily's in is The Sanguine Gryphon FreeRange. This is a gorgeous organic yarn from the US which both drapes and wears beautifully. Unfortunately, it is being discontinued.
As with all my patterns, it is completely seamless. The most difficult technique required is picking up stitches.
You can wear the cardie as is, open or thread a ribbon through the eyelets to secure it.
Like all my patterns it's available for purchase through my Ravelry store. You don't need to be a member to pop over and purchase there.
At $6 for the pattern, I'm sure this is a pattern you will return to again and again for quick Spring knits.
I know I will.
I enjoyed this pattern development so much, I'm actually working on a pattern for adult sizes, a Lady Jane or Mrs Jane. I am very very close to being finished and hopefully will be done on it by the end of the weekend. So all going well, pics next week.

for $6AUD.
So what do you think?